Human Factors HMI Metrics Consulting

Statistical analysis of your HMI and user performance metrics

Simple and cost effective to achieve - enhancing operations and project deliveries

Human Factor Statistical Analysis

iFactors have unique skills and techniques that can assist your projects in measuring the usability and human impact of human machine interfaces (HMIs). This approach can save your business large sums in the forms of reduced project rework, or poor insights into operations.
Most HMIs have been designed without a disciplined engineering approach but are the main insight to your business (24/7) which means your operations team could be working at a disadvantage for the lifecycle of your equipment.
This disadvantage can introduce risk to safety and profit.

Statistical analysis

Many HMI screens based on legacy design are not suited to supporting the end user with effective monitoring and surveillance.
iFactors have unique methods that can statistically evaluate your HMI either at the project phase or in current operation.
This Human Factors evaluation deliver results that determine if your operator interfaces are fit for service or need some enhancements to increase your operations monitoring environment.
The results provide the optimal intelligence to guide vendors, or highlight to your teams where they need to make changes and enhancements.

Proven results

The unique HMI evaluation methods have been proven to deliver several benefits - including increased user performance, reduce cognitive load, improved general consistency in design and rationalizing the number of surveillance screens.
The statistical results also assist in avoiding the long-standing issue of resistance to change bias. It also helps avoid the problem of designers implementing personal-based designs, that often results in poor HMIs that users find difficult to familiarize or interact with.

Cost effective

The HMI statistical analysis provides a structure that can guide your teams to make minimal changes for maximum effect.
Some changes can be implemented very easily whilst greatly enhancing the user experience. When you consider that most HMIs have been designed without a disciplined engineering approach whilst simultaneously being the main insight to the lifecycle of your equipment, these changes can be considered as low hanging fruit.