Data Driven Analytics Consulting

Proven methods to increase your teams response times

Moving your condition monitoring capabilities to the left of the failure curve

Time Series Analytics

iFactors have a wealth of experience in designing and executing real-time data analytics that use advanced methods which beyond basic descriptive alerting.

Our expertise incorporates robust design and years of statistical methods beyond legacy approaches or alarm philosophies.

Our robust data-driven analytic designs operate towards the left of the failure curve and via intuitive designs deliver simple approaches to data-driven maintenance and reductions in production deferrals.

With decades of engineering experience , offering interfaces that provide a line of sight into your weak signals at scale and with strong return on investment.

Robust Analysis Designs

iFactors have a wealth of experience in designing and executing real-time data analytics that use advanced methods, which go beyond just basic or descriptive alerting.
With expertise in designing and delivering robust real-time analytics on several vendor platforms,
we combine knowledge of Control & Automation and best practice response methods so that our analytics work towards the left hand of the failure curve. This design, aligned with our intuitive interface designs, deliver simple approaches to data-driven maintenance and reductions in production deferrals.

High Return on Investment

Our vigorous designs aim to achieve high success rates and user confidence. With this comes the need to provide intuitive analysis output aligned with best practice interfaces. Aiming for best practice also ensures that your teams gain new insights into your weak signals but avoid unnecessary false positive alerts that can desensitize your users.
In addition, our engineering experience offers the combined analysis with interfaces that provide a line of sight into your weak signals at scale and enable intuitive decision support.
Our designs are proven to have significant and swift returns on investment.

Practical collaboration

iFactors are pragmatic in collaboration approaches and recognize that your teams will have great ideas or existing tools embedded in older technology. In these cases, we can support you to turn these into real-time surveillance capabilities.
We also have trusted relationships with analytics vendors and are happy to point you in the right direction with business queries, if they can be solved easily and cost effectively to you via alternative routes outside of our services.
We aim to maintain trusted relationships throughout our journey.