Advanced Visualization Consulting

Proven methods to enhance your Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs)

Presenting your weak signals at scale and enhancing your performance monitoring

Advanced HMI Engineering

iFactors are at the vanguard in the field of operational & real-time data visualization.

The interfaces we design (or support your workforce to create) have been proven in academic studies to enhance the user/operator performance without needing to invest in new hardware.

iFactors can design full interface and alarm philosophies or can provide a service to train your workforce in the discipline of advanced visualization in order to deliver high performance interfaces that surpass outdated industry guidelines.

Challenging Industry Bias

Many SCADA and DCS interfaces have continued to follow design standards set in the 1990's - where the Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) were based on P&IDs or PFDs. These design styles are not suited to the representation of real-time data, or effective detection of emerging fault modes. 

The interfaces we design challenge the industries bias  and have been proven in academic studies to enhance the user/operator performance.
We implement methods and simple exercises that will show you how our designs go beyond outdated bias and can intuitively change the behaviour when introduced at either the engineering or operational monitoring layer.

Changing Monitoring Behaviour

HMI industry guidelines take years to publish and are very focused on alarm response. These approaches are a continuation of HMI development in the 1990s but have not deviated far from reactionary methods. The guidelines do not provide recommendations for the use of alternative monitoring and surveillance methods.

iFactors designs go beyond the foundational guideline layer and introduce enhanced methods of providing key insights to your weak signals, before alarm response is required.

By delivering intuitive monitoring designs, the results can reduce the alarm counts and their necessary responses.

Mentoring Your Teams

At iFactors we are pragmatic engineers and recognize you might want to develop skills inhouse. We can help you by delivering the design or mentoring and guiding your engineers to a point of competency where they can create your operational or engineering HMI.

We can provide design philosophies, guidance documents and HMI hierarchy designs to create your own HMI.

We can also provide evaluation of the delivery standards that will set you on the best course to practice HMI