Digital Twin Consulting

Keys to a successful Digital Transformation 

Ensuring your data based decisions are centred on the best intelligence from your Digital Twin

A robust Digital Twin represents the DNA of your organization 

Digital Twins

Ask a hundred engineers "what is a Digital Twin"? - and you are likely to receive a hundred different answers, but many of these answers will be correct - in part.
The Digital Twin is not in fact a single entity, process or piece of software. It is a series of components, records and practices that make up many Digital Twins.
These components are essential component parts of a successful Digital Transformation and throughout the lifecycle of your digitization program.

A 21st Century discipline

The digital Twin can be a complex series of data repositories, maintenance records, design specifications and much, much more.
To maximize your Digital Twin, it should be approached as a new operating and engineering discipline.
As more organizations become skilled in Remote Operations it will become more reliant on digitized decision support. If your Digital Twin is not robust then your decision support will falter and trust in the digital journey can be lost.

Continuous Improvement

The design and robust upkeep of the Digital Twin is essential to ensure that your business can rely on the network of information.
This trusted network can become fast track intelligence for decision support and maintenance scheduling.
Individually, the data family can become unsynchronized and for this reason the Digital Twin should be considered a wholistic discipline to avoid the loss of operation intelligence.

Ownership and Accountability

Usually, separate elements are owned by different disciplines or group and individually they can become unsynchronized.
The digital twin should be considered as a synchronized, digital model of your operations.

For your Digital Twin to return investment it will require ownership and accountability. It is essential that any digitization remains evergreen and the data synchronization of your business DNA remains healthy to ensure your operating decisions are effectively supported.